Tag: mental health issue

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Cannabis 

Well, for most people, this type of mental health problem takes place during the winter months of the year. January and February are the most problematic for people who regularly struggle with seasonal affective disorder. You see, after all the hype and the joy around the holidays wears off, the winter season is no longer as magical to many Americans. Most people find themselves back in their mundane routines through the start of the new year, and this can cause a lot of mental health issues for people out there.

Plus, it is no secret that our current economic crisis and levels of unemployment in our country are not helping the cause of mental health problems in people throughout the United States. There are many different ways that people go about trying to improve their mood temporarily, including getting some exercise, eating better, hanging out with friends and family, or even taking ‘mental health days’ that act almost as a sick day. However, these mental health problems can persist over longer periods of time and can have some pretty serious mental and physical repercussions if left untreated.

For people who regularly experience seasonal depressive episodes during the January and February months, they may experience symptoms like difficulty with concentration, feeling isolated and sad, losing interest in activities that they normally enjoy, sleeping too much or constantly feeling tired, and many other similar problems. For these patients that are struggling with mental health problems, they can often feel very isolated and alone in their condition. If you find yourself struggling with seasonal affective disorder, the best thing that you can do for yourself is to find help. You never have to struggle alone, especially when there are many resources available to help you with this exact problem. However, there has also been some significant research done to suggest the effectiveness of using cannabis to treat seasonal affective disorder. 

Medical marijuana is becoming increasingly more popular as a way to treat and manage mental health symptoms, including both depression and anxiety disorders. The reason for this is because the United States is finally starting to drop the stigma that surrounds the use of cannabis for so long. In addition, medical marijuana is a much more natural drug when compared to other prescription medications that are commonly used to treat depression and anxiety.

Of course, it is important to keep in mind that cannabis needs to be used under the close supervision of a doctor or other medical professional, especially when it comes to identifying any underlying conditions that one might have that could be potentially threatening when combined with the use of medical marijuana. When it comes to using cannabis to treat depression and other mental health problems, ‘getting high’ is not the goal. In fact, research shows that using marijuana in this way may increase the risk for depression.

However, it may be beneficial for patients to engage in micro dosing throughout the day, and using low-potency cannabis to increase feelings of energy and reduce anxiety without actually getting stoned. Plus you can do all of this with medical-grade cannabis and not even feel drowsy, thanks to using a more sativa dominant strain. So if you have been struggling with the seasonal depressive disorder the past couple of weeks, maybe ask your doctor about treating your symptoms with medical marijuana!